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+2 votes
As the question says? Produce a list of finds, ordered by distance from home?
in Support and help by lee737 (2.4k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
There's not a way to do this that we know of, only to see how many finds are within certain distance brackets as part of your profile stats, but agree that this would be an interesting set of numbers to be able to see!
by Molemon (1.5k points)
0 votes
On, you can do a search from the landing page and select "from my home coordinates". Then add filters, including "I've found".
by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)
Thanks - that's a good workaround. Now I'd like to be able to just show finds in various directions.....
A metod that works is GSAK or another cache manage. I suspect that was not that answer you was looking for.

The function cant be added to PGC stats because home coordinates cant be exposed.
It could be a private function but is it that useful?
You can get result semi manually from map compare by using the center/radius filter and create circles with finds and increase the size.
Take the difference between two radius's for the number of caches in the interval.
Don't forget to include archived and disabled caches
You can alos messure on the map.

But if you to sort by distance and only in a direction or inside polygon and alow filter by distance intervall GSAK can do that