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0 votes
Hi all,

These days I am trying to compare the logs I have received over time on my account, picarax with the team geoPelegrins.

The problem is that this team has over 350.000 logs received and the chart is not being painted in for them.

Could you please tell me if there is a limit that can be shown in the chart?

Is there any other way to compare logs received over the time?

Thanks in advance.
in Bug reports by Wizard_Speed_Time (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Not a techie answer but not having used that function before I have just had a go
I tried my name and other cachers I know, it worked with adding the accounts

I tried geoPelegrins and it didn't - does make me wonder if the amount of logs delays the process - I will let the function run for a while and see if yours eventually comes in
by Deepdiggingmole (13.8k points)
reshown by Deepdiggingmole
Sorry I was looking at Logs over time, not logs received over time - I tried yours too and also got nothing