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+1 vote

I live in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany). At the settings automatically the federal state "Hessen" was choosen from the system. I can't fix it myself. Is it possible to change? (Postalcode 65629 Niederneisen) Koords Homebase: N 50° 19.820 E 008° 03.538


ich wohne im Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz (Deutschland). In den Einstellungen wird automatisch das Bundesland Hessen vom System vorgegeben. Ich kann es nicht ändern. Ist ein Änderung möglich? (Postleitzahl 65629 Niederneisen), Heimatkoordinaten: N 50° 19.820 E 008° 03.538

LG Chris
in Bug reports by The4Hasards (3.2k points)
edited by The4Hasards

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
If the question is about what PGC detects as your home region you can override that in

The county region is not based on your home cordinates but on your finds. It has to be that way when the system only have access to home coordinates of people who have used the site and have changed the coordinates. And it is caculated for all users so it can be used in stats
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
selected by The4Hasards
But then I have currently wrong stats (numbers of FTF für example. When I will see my place in RLP the System can't find me because I was listed in Hessen).
If I am not mistaken those stats are not caclulated in real time. Wait a couple of days and they should be changed
The calculated Coords of my homebase are in RLP but the system listed me in Hessen => the boundary line between RLP and Hessen is not correct.
0 votes
In order to fix it it could be helpful to know the name of the city that has been  assigned incorrectly.
by DrHool (3.4k points)
Added / ergänzt ;)
0 votes
I used the link and now I could change the federal state. Today after a few days the system used the correct statse. Thanks for helping. The4Hasards
by The4Hasards (3.2k points)
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