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+2 votes
closed with the note: Issue is solved
in Support and help by The Dartmoor Pixies (550 points)
closed by The Dartmoor Pixies
I just had a simple Spelling mistake and it showed the data of an other cacher. The issue is solved thanks for the help.
Then I think it would be good to close your request here (red icon)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Map compare should allow you to do this. Simply put your name in "Profile name", your fellow cache in "compare with", tick "None found" and select the location you want to cache in from the drop down menus.

by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.1k points)
thanks for you quick reply. I have been trying it that way, it shows the caches i have not found but it still shows caches my fellow cacher has found.
did youre fellow log the founds? And how long is the logging away? PGC needs some time to update its own database.

Try to exchange your both names with same settings and explore your result, then?
I just had a simple Spelling mistake and it showed the data of an other cacher. The issue is solved thanks for the help.