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0 votes
in Miscellaneous by Medizinmann74 (120 points)
You would increase the chances a lot if you wrote something about what the challenge is about. It's a very long description and most will just close it after opening it. Specially since it's in German, which reduces the amount of script writers who can understand it.

2 Answers

0 votes
I doubt it is possible to create checker for such challenge, because PGC database does not have such fine granularity of regions. Checking 5 types and 20 FI logs in Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde is on the other hand just matter of tagging some one of the generic scripts.
by rabmoor (2.8k points)
–2 votes
Script from lillfiluren - lillfilurens generic checker

Checker link
Example #1

Project-GC Challenge checker
<a href="">Project-GC Challenge checker</a>
Example #2

PGC Checker
<a href=""><img src="" title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>
by Doma-v-Lutine (2.0k points)
I think there was a mistake here the the challenge is to log district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde  not 18 DT in a day