Checker is:
Cache chains(by arisoft)
Number of tags: 28
Find the widest area, longest perimeter or distance between endpoints of chains of linked caches.
"filter":{} Generic GetFinds filter, optional
"exclude":gccode[s] Excluded caches, optional, default is gccode
"unit":"km" Unit name for measurements and parameters
"unitsize":1000.0 Unit size, meters (one mile is 1609.344 meters)
"separation":5 Maximum allowed separation between links (longer distance takes more time)
"required":150 Minimum distance between farthest caches to pass challenge
"displayed":50 Minimum size for additional chains on map (may be disabled using a huge number)
"scantime":20 Time-out seconds for polygon area scanning (qualifying), optional, default max-15
"routetime":28 Time-out seconds for the shortest route calculating, optional, default max-10
"property":"area" Type of the challenge: "distance" (default), "area" or "perimeter"
"polygon":"concave" Type of area polygon. "convex" (default) or "concave"
Keywords: chain trail route area perimeter
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