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+1 vote

It seems that over night, my "All Around Cacher" badge downgraded from Sapphire to Ruby. I had only just achieved Sapphire by completing my 330th degree sector 2 days ago and there are a lot of sectors where I just have 1 cache as I've been selecting these caches specifically to upgrade this badge over the past few months.

In the 360 from home tool, it does seem there is a degree-sector red/not completed again that was completed yesterday, so I know which degree sector it is. However, I've been searching for finds in the adjacent degree sector to see if any of those caches have recently updated coordinates, but I can't find anything.

Does anyone know a way to figure out what caused this ? Just out of curiosity, not to be mad at the cache owner or anything. smiley

Kind regards,

in Miscellaneous by AxelFox (3.8k points)

2 Answers

0 votes

The limits are unchanged during the last weeks.

90  120180270300330350360

Maybe somebody has changed the cache coordinates of o "Found" on

or you have changed your home coordinates on

by micha_de (7.1k points)
I know the limits have not changed and in my 360 from home tool, it says I completed 329 sectors, while yesterday it said 330. I also know which degree sector it is that changed from green/complete to red/incomplete.
I have not changed my home coordinates, otherwise more sectors would have changed.
I'm pretty sure it's related to a found cache, probably the only one I had in that sector, but I am unable to find which cache it was.
0 votes
It is most likely a coordinate change that occurred on a cache that was inside the sector moving it out of range and turning it from green to red. As you get closer to your home coordinates those sectors get narrower and narrower so it would not take much of an adjustment to cause this especially if the cache was on the edge of the sector.

Regarding your attempt to search for the cache that caused it, I do not know of a way to track changes to coordinates from the CO.  There is a tool that will show D/T changes but not coordinates.

I've often speculated that this could become a problem for people in the future and could lead to frustration.  You might consider taking a snapshot of the table results inside the 360 from home tool.  That way you have a fixed point of reference should this occur again.
by TigreToot (26.6k points)
Thx TigreToot.
That's exactly what I was thinking as well and I was indeed looking for something similar as the D/T changes tool, but for 360 from home degrees.
Unfortunately, I don't have such a snapshot from before, but it's also not something that's frustrating me. I'll just plan to pick up a cache again in that sector one of these days.
Simply curious to find which one it is.
Thankfully you are not obsessed with trying to figure it out.  In my humble opinion it would be a futile effort considering just how many GC codes you would need to review.  When I look at my table, in some sectors I have like 20 to 30 caches.  That's just way too many to try and investigate.

Good strategy to just go out and find another that will fulfill the sector.  That's exactly what I would do if I were in your shoes.  Good luck.
I found it !!!
Just using the manual way and clicking around found caches in the neighboring sectors. This one moved 3 degree-sectors and is not even that close to home, so it's quite a significant move.
To make it even stranger, it's a mystery/bonus cache of a series. So I really don't understand why someone would need to move the "dummy" location of a mystery cache.
Anyway, I already did 2 other caches in this sector today, so I should have my blue badge back when my stats refresh.
That is strange and glad you found the culprit cache.  I agree, no clue why the CO would want to change the coordinates that far away.