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in Bug reports by spockske (120 points)

1 Answer

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Try shift-reloading the page.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
Done this several times since yesterday afternoon. Also Ctrl-F5.
Problem persists :-(
How does it look today?

We are working on switching out our HTTP engines to counter this. It's an issue that started to rise a few weeks ago and we honestly have no clue why. It must be an issue that has it's root in external services, because we really haven't change anything to cause this.

We have just switched one of the HTTP engines. We will do more work related to this, as fast as we can.
It seems tow ork for less larger requests now (below 1000, it used to be maximum 3000) but still 1 on 2 times it blocks to load the map but then it works now when hitting shift+refresh.
Additional updates have been made now. We will evaluate this the coming 24-48 hours.