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On most stat pages, there is now a region called 'South West England' and a region called 'Southwest England'. The first one does not show a map in 'Map Counties'.

I noticed while browsing someone else's stats, that they had found '15 of 14 regions' in the UK (108%). Oddly, there are only 14 Regions listed for the UK in 'Map Regions'.

Obviously it's a bug, but whether it's to do with Project-GC, or whether it's a bug in the OpenMap data, I don't know.

Looking at 'Top Logged caches', there appear to be only two caches in that region, and from looking at those, it appears that the 'Region' is in the sea to the north of Southwest England. I suspect therefore, that it's an issue with the OpenMap data.

EDIT: I've also just noticed that there is a region called 'South East England' and another region called 'Southeast England'. The former has just one cache in it, which appears to be located some distance south-west of Africa. Now that's odd...

in Bug reports by Paperballpark (11.5k points)
edited by Paperballpark
South East/South West are the more commonly used spellings which would suggest the Northeast and Northwest England entries should be renamed.
Northern scotland also appears to have a county named '0' (when listed on map compare screen at least).

The cache being in south-west africa is actually correct - it's a puzzle cache placed before the 2 mile rule was in force, the real cache location is in south east england.
Yes, I thought about mentioning Northwest vs North West etc., but I thought that was probably just quibbling when actually there's a larger bug that is more important - I didn't want to detract attention from the bug! :)

The one near Africa is fine, it's just in the wrong 'region' for some reason.
The region on those caches is taken directly from the values. The names on are inconsistent with "Northeast England" and "South East England"
It is the same for "South West England" with on cache
The polygon from OSM have more consistan names.
All three caches are located in the Atlantic and the calculation from the polygons cant be used to determine region.
Polygons and not data is used because the region choosen on is somtimes incorrect and if correct polygons exist they are usually better

They have to have their region manually fixed

The incorrect regions exist on pgc where the values i taken from the caches in the database with a SQL query.
They do not exist where the number is taken from border polygons.

So they don't exist on Missing Regions or the count of existing region in the badge state but do exist on cache location choose able on for example map compare and when the number of regions you have found in is calculated
In the polygons I created I adopted a standard format of naming based on what went before. This meant there was Northwest and Northeast, Southeast and Southwest. However it appears that the API from Groundspeak has variants and so some havent mapped correctly to the new polygons.

It will need to be a bit of a cleanup query to find the Groundspeak API rogue caches in the rogue regions and "0" county in NE Scotland and stick them in the right places.

I've just checked and the original polygons are consistent in the naming used so as Target has identified it seems to be a problem with the imported data from Groundspeak and in particular caches that are well outwith the normal UK boundaries.

Note caches off coast of Africa are typically errors where the coords are N0 0.000 W0 0.000.

A potential quick solution would be to rename the region polygons to be consistent with the naming mess Groundspeak have.

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I missed informing ShammyLevva that the region names must be exactly like they are at I'll add a list.

East Midlands
Eastern England
North Wales
Northeast England
Northern Scotland
Northwest England
South East England
South Wales
South West England
Southern England
Southern Scotland
West Midlands

If the names doesn't match those, duplicate regions might exist at Project-GC in some cases. I assume ShammyLevva will generate new polygon files and send us, we can then update the data, which takes some hours.

by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by Paperballpark
Out caching at present. Will do this in about three/four hours when I get home.
Regions file updated with adjusted names. I've also updated the England file in case you were using the regions name field in that file too.
FYI to everyone. ShammyLevva has sent us data, we have imported it. Project-GC will calculate new regions and counties for UK the coming ~10 hours.

After that, it should be fixed. Could potentially be that some data-caches needs to expire as well. But it should be fine within 48 hours at least.