Change History
Not all Geocaches are clear if they are a Challenge or not. Therefore Project-GC has built a Challenge Exception-system. A part of the community has been granted access to this system, and they read through cache description to add votes if they believe these Geocaches are Challenges or not. In here, they can discuss extreme cases and see if they can come to an agreement.
Changed By: Deepdiggingmole
Change Date: September 13, 2020 11:19PM
Re: GC5K780 week streak challenge bonus
This is why I asked, and opinions around this sort of thing are what is needed in order that the exception checkers ( (is that what we are called now, as opposed to moderators ) can discuss the borderline challenges
Original Message
Author: Deepdiggingmole
Date: September 12, 2020 04:15PM
Re: GC5K780 week streak challenge bonus
This is why I asked, and opinions around this sort of thing are what is needed in order that the exception checkers ( is that what we are called now, as opposed to moderators