[Awaiting feedback] GC5864R - combined elevation checker with country / continent conditions
March 05, 2022 11:06PM

I received a request to create checker for GC5864R, but it is above my abilities.

Thank you for your time and potential help.



And this is the Challenge job:

5 mountains with together at least 20,000 metres height
on at least 4 continents


in at least 4 European countries at least one mountain
with more than 3,000-m height.
Re: GC5864R - combined elevation checker with country / continent conditions
March 06, 2022 12:37PM
This requires a script extension but I wonder if jpavlik has time to do this
Re: GC5864R - combined elevation checker with country / continent conditions
March 06, 2022 12:45PM
Yeah .. I tough so. I gave them this suggestion:

You may try to contact jpavlik, but given there's very limited potencial cachers to meet such challenge, I wonder if he'll be spending time on this. It is very difficult challenge, only for couple of dedicated climbers. I think they can continue tracking their finds manually.
Maybe you can help them by sharing this type of List:

Or map:
Re: GC5864R - combined elevation checker with country / continent conditions
March 16, 2022 09:05AM
Hi Rikitan and Vogelbird
It's interesting challenge, but the condition is a bit complicated. It has no sense to try to modify the existing checker, so I should create completely new checker on the base of the existing one. It's not a problem, I'll try to do it later.
Re: GC5864R - combined elevation checker with country / continent conditions
March 16, 2022 09:16AM
Hello, thank you .. but really, don't worry too much about it.
The owner team was OK to use my suggestion and offer players to compare their achievement with the (bookmark) lists. Of course, your help would be appreciated, but target group of geocachers is very small here.


jpavlik Wrote:
> Hi Rikitan and Vogelbird
> It's interesting challenge, but the condition is a
> bit complicated. It has no sense to try to modify
> the existing checker, so I should create
> completely new checker on the base of the existing
> one. It's not a problem, I'll try to do it later.
Re: GC5864R - combined elevation checker with country / continent conditions
March 16, 2022 10:10AM
It's true that the number of geocachers will be too small to repay the effort of creating new checker.
So, I'm getting back my offer, changing back the status to "new script required". I'm too busy now.
Best regards
Re: GC5864R - combined elevation checker with country / continent conditions
November 28, 2022 08:05PM
I've written a checker for this challenge here:

I was trying to modify an existing script, but the "5 mountains with together at least 20,000 metres height
on at least 4 continents" condition is just too hard to get into a multi-checker condition (although I did extend my multi-checker script to include elevation filters and sums before I figured that out). So, I have just written a completely custom checker here.

Note: *Most* of the people logging this challenge DNQ, if I have understood the requirements and coded it correctly. It's really really hard to qualify, especially considering this is a 1/1. Anyhow, please test it out and verify the results, and let me know.
Re: GC5864R - combined elevation checker with country / continent conditions
December 16, 2022 02:56PM
This thread has not received any further feedback and will therefor be moved to ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed). Should the requester have any queries he can raise his question on this thread in the archived section
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