
Re: H'm are they ?

H'm are they ?
September 29, 2020 12:27PM
Some new ones on the list - have a split views
What confuses the issue is ALL of these have the word Bonus in the title
My thoughts are :-

GC1HM9D - USCGA L.E.G. Challenge Bonus Cache - it says in the description
"In order to claim a find on this cache, you must complete the following challenge.
You need to find a *qualifying* cache in each of the ten counties in the Upstate. In order for a cache to qualify, it must have a difficulty of 3 stars or better, *or* a terrain of 3 stars or better."
That's criteria for qualification - so a challenge - the word bonus in the title misleads

GC5K780 - Week Streak Challenge Bonus Cache - this was discussed before, I am not sure if the description has changed but it just says "In order to log this cache you will need to have completed 10 challenge caches with the word 'Week' in it. That's it!" - so again there is the qualifying criteria

GC1AWHJ - Saluda Shoals Bonus Cache Challenge - The criteria was to find all the other caches in the area (24 in total as was) - though I am not a fan of challenges where you have to find a specific list of caches (often by the same CO) this has a variety of COs - it is not a bonus as such as you do not have to get information from any of the caches listed - so I am erring on the side of there is qualifying criteria.
Re: H'm are they ?
September 29, 2020 07:03PM
GC1HM9D - USCGA L.E.G. Challenge Bonus Cache

There is an additional criteria which makes it partly a bonus cache

In six of these counties there is a designated cache from the original L.E.G. series.
Those caches are:
GCWNDD "X Marks The Spot" (Pickens County)
GC14N2N "Sideways at Erskine" (Abbeville County)
GC14MQD "Paddling Thickety" (Cherokee County)
GCWNEY "Golden Corner Cache" (Oconee County)
GCWRVZ "Seven Wonders of Spartanburg" (Spartanburg County)
GC1569P "Pirate's Quest" (Greenville County)

As a part of your list, at least three of your caches must be of these original six. After that, you are free to pick and choose.
Re: H'm are they ?
September 29, 2020 08:02PM
@Vogelbird - I am aware that all 3 of these have other caches linked - however not all are specifically the COs caches, and although bonus is used there is criteria - as was mentioned with Week challenge in another thread - though the CO has a series linked you could qualify without finding any of his.
also for me a bonus cache relies on you getting information from the feeder caches - such as A=1 in the lid of the cache. And the bonus cache itself has algebra to solve using the info obtained
None of these have this
Re: H'm are they ?
September 29, 2020 07:09PM
GC1AWHJ - Saluda Shoals Bonus Cache Challenge

the bookmark list contains only active 14 caches which for me it is more a bonus cache to find those caches

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2020 07:10PM by vogelbird. (view changes)
Re: H'm are they ?
September 29, 2020 07:11PM
GC5K780 - Week Streak Challenge Bonus Cache

For me the intention counts and I still see it as a bonus cache
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