

April 28, 2021 06:29PM
New one has been added - I am sitting on the fence with this one
The word Challenge not mentioned in the title and no indication that this is a challenge cache in the description.
Despite there being a request to find a cache on the monopoly board - there is no statement to say that this is a requirement in order to claim the find - and reading many of the logs few have actually indicated which caches they have 'found on the board'
It seems that the cache can be found and there is a side game of monopoly just for fun
I am not convinced this matches up to being a challenge cache
Re: GC598PW
April 29, 2021 01:28PM
Study the properties and see if you own a monopoly on any of the colors and post which one(s) on your log (which is optional). This is done by having found all the caches in a given color. If you happen to be the cache owner of a property it still counts towards a monopoly for that color. You don't need any monopolies to claim a find.

Bold by me. That last sentence makes it an optional "un-challenge" in my book. These are not published as mystery caches any more so you don't get the confusion that you had with earlier un-challenges. If you don't need to fulfill the requirements to log it's not a challenge in my book, easy downvote from me.
Re: GC598PW
April 29, 2021 01:54PM
I down voted this cache
Re: GC598PW
June 01, 2021 03:04PM
So this is not a challenge in the sense that it does not require anyone to do anything.

It in a challenge in that a checker could be written to see if people have a monopoly.

Agree that I am on the fence but sure would like a checker to show my monopolies.
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