
GC3XQ2K - Geocachers do it in cemeteries!

GC3XQ2K - Geocachers do it in cemeteries!
June 21, 2021 02:55PM
This cache is being reported as a non challenge while on the old exeption list it was reported as a challenge

The cache was published prior to April 21, 2015 and the description is
This is a challenge only available during the month of October 2012. To get credit for this cache and qualify for a prize you must:

Find 31 cemetery caches
Caches must be located in the State of Michigan
Must be caches you have not previously found
Keep a public bookmark list of completed caches labeled "Geocachers do it in cemeteries!"
Challenge must be competed before Halloween night (The final stage may be found after)
Re: GC3XQ2K - Geocachers do it in cemeteries!
July 11, 2021 07:23PM
It is evident reading the log by the CO that the challenge itself was restrictive and one line "It was brought to the reviewers attention that according to the rules, we would need to count caches that were previously found prior to our cache being published" - that is interesting as back in 2012 I did not think that that was the case - several challenges I had completed If I recall correctly required the finds to be done over a specific period. I believe the fact that previous find counting only became a rule post moratorium - many older challenges did allow/encourage previous finds to be included but I sure that wasn't a ruling
Anyhow - In reading this cache description - there are criteria to fulfil and back then that was what was needed
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