
GC9FXQK - Raven Song on the exception list ???

GC9FXQK - Raven Song on the exception list ???
September 05, 2021 12:14PM
GC9FXQK - Raven Song

I know its been quiet LOL

This is a trad - no 'challenge' in the title - not even the challenge attribute

How on earth did it end up on the exception list !!!!!!
Re: GC9FXQK - Raven Song on the exception list ???
September 05, 2021 01:58PM
It had the challenge attribute when I looked at it so it was clearly added by the algorithm (since it had the attribute but not the "challenge" in the name, no more checker and is not a mystery). If the attribute is no longer there it has been removed since the cache was added to the list.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2021 04:46PM by Pleu. (view changes)
Re: GC9FXQK - Raven Song on the exception list ???
September 05, 2021 03:10PM
"clearly added by the algorithm"
What do you mean by that ?
Re: GC9FXQK - Raven Song on the exception list ???
September 05, 2021 03:41PM
@Deepdiggingmole Project-GC has an algorithm/script/whatever-the-correct-technical-word-for-the-thing-is-in-English that adds caches to the exceptions list automatically, why wouldn't I assume that a cache with the attribute but without the word "challenge" in the title is caught by that algorithm? Seems like one of the most obvious things to include?
Re: GC9FXQK - Raven Song on the exception list ???
September 05, 2021 05:15PM
I hadn't realised an algorithm was used - I had always been under the impression the exceptions were added manually by members - you learn something new every day :-)
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