Switzerland September 28, 2020 11:17AM |
Admin Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 814 |
Regions only in Switzerland: - Regions only in _tmp_Switzerland: - Counties only in Switzerland: Coeuve (26) Comunanza Capriasca/Valcolla (21) Corserey (10) Ebersecken (3) Kirchdorf (2) Kirchenthurnen (2) La Folliaz (10) Lac Léman (VS) (23) Lohnstorf (2) Maladers (18) Mutten (18) Mühlethurnen (2) Noréaz (10) Prez-vers-Noréaz (10) Schinznach-Bad (19) Schwendibach (2) Villaz-Saint-Pierre (10) Wolfisberg (2) Counties only in _tmp_Switzerland: Bodensee (SG) (17) Comunanza Capriasca/Lugano (21) Cœuve (26) Hallwilersee (AG) (19) Kirchdorf (BE) (2) Le Léman (VS) (23) Prez (10) Thurnen (2) Villaz (10) Potentially affected scripts (source code matches a region/county that has been added/removed): - Potentially affected tags (config matches a region/county that has been added/removed): tagId:45953 creator:dpluton gccode:GC8F8HV matches: [Coeuve (26)] tagId:21729 creator:vogelbird gccode:GC6MJRA matches: [Ebersecken (3)] tagId:36038 creator:msei gccode:GC6MJRA matches: [Ebersecken (3)] tagId:21730 creator:vogelbird gccode:GC6W35V matches: [Schinznach-Bad (19)] tagId:35973 creator:msei gccode:GC6W35V matches: [Schinznach-Bad (19)]
Re: Switzerland September 28, 2020 02:19PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 24,757 |