Ha ha :D Thanks for explanation and for improvement - new version is completely clear.by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hey! I have an issue with this checker. Can you please check what's wrong here? Checker: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC9PVFA/67241 User shevijs shows negative response as not fulfilling conditions - no find on Saturday of 28th date, but he has a logged find on 28/May/2022 which is Saturday. (https://www.geocaching.com/play/results/?ct=8&sa=1&fb=shevijs&asc=false&sby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi! Just for your knowledge - chain of caches appears to be forbidden as a challenge by HQ, that was the answer from our local reviewer. I will make an appeal, but most probably there will be no better result. AnsisBby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Great, it works well. Cache submitted for review, fingers crossed :) Thank you!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Happy Easter! One more challenge was rejected by reviewer (chain of caches), but I will keep the debate open because I don't fully agree with those arguments. But I don't want to delay publication of current cache, therefore I would need one new challenge checker. GC9PVEX - Multi size challenge To qualify for this, you must have found 150 multi-caches with 5 different cache sizes.by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Checker is working perfect. Cache is submitted for review, but should be fine. Thank you so much for helping!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Great, thanks a lot. Works well. Submitted for review, but this should not be problem :)by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi again! Reviewer suggested to adjust also this challenge, and I am fine to do so. Can we remove the factor of countries? So - 555 mysteries with 55 unique D/T combinations. Would this option also allow to have a visualisation in DT grid? Sorry for bothering.. Thanks!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi! You were right - this latitude challenge was not accepted. Could be change it then to at least 4300km distance between the two farthest geocaches found by the person? That equals to distance between most southern and northern points in Europe - at least I can mention that, although distance across Atlantic ocean also would be valid :) Thanks!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Yes, it works well, and believe that 5km was too close distance for myself. Maybe in few years :) Thank you very much, the case can be closed.by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi! Since lonely/forgotten challenge was not accepted, I return to the idea of route of caches that vogelbird also suggested as an option. Just like this: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC8R2R0/51419 I would like to have a distance between farthest linked caches to be 222km and 5km from cache to cache. Probably that is too little also for myself to qualify the challenge, but I don'tby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi! You were right - this challenge was not approved by our reviewer.. I will come back to you with new request later.by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Great, thanks for the checker and for update. Let's see :) Checker is working perfect, you may close the case.by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Last challenge for current trail :) Can you please help with a checker? Forgotten challenge - GC9PVEX To qualify for the challenge, the person must have found at least 9 geocaches that are visited on average once in 91 days. Lonely caches that meet people once in a season :) Very much like this: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC71VB9/25291 I just want to make sure if unsuccesful messagby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Ok, thanks for explanation. Works well, thank you!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Thanks! Technically it works correct, but if I may ask for 2 visual improvements, please? 1) 3rd part on total count of 555 mysteries - I think the list of caches is not necessary because it is very long and if you don't qualify then you find it out only at the bottom of screen. I'd suggest that only count of found mystery caches is enough. 2) 2nd part on 55 D/T combinations - is it pby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Wonderful, now it works perfect. Thank you very much!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
This works good, thank you!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Looks good, thank you. I could not meet any user with exactly 30 degree difference to validate that it is accepted (N30-N60), but I believe it is there. Thanks a lot also for a notice. Will check with my local reviewer.by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Last few checkers for my geo-art-trail :) Can you please help with a checker? Mysterious travel challenge - GC9PVQD To qualify for the challenge, the person must have found at least 555 mysteries with 55 unique difficulty/terrain combinations in at least 5 countries. Each country should have its own unique D/T combination to avoid that all countries have simple D1,5/T1,5 mysteries :) Thankby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Last few checkers for my geo-art-trail :) Can you please help with a checker? Latitude difference challenge - GC9PVQ1 To qualify for the challenge, the person must have found geocaches with latitude difference of at least 30 degrees. 2 caches is enough - for example, one in Latvia at N58 and another one in Egypt at N28. Number of caches between does not matter. Locationless (reverse) cacheby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Last few checkers for my geo-art-trail :) Can you please help with a checker? Travel challenge - GC9PVPQ To qualify for the challenge, the person must have found geocaches in 20 or more countries. Alternatively: you may have found geocaches in at least 15 countries, but one of them must be outside of Europe. I will rely on project-GC (OSM) map to decide where Europe ends :) Thanks, Ansiby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Let's cancel my request and close this case for now. I will consider this concept for my next round of challenges in couple of weeks, but now I will concentrate on the last 3 challenges on current geoart that are more clear :) Thanks for your support!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible)
Yes, indeed, this is a good argument. My initial concept of "no any other cache in 10km radius" would not be negative, but that is not possible, as you said. Please leave this case open for another day or two, and let me think about it :)by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible)
Yeah, I know this one and I love it, but I was afraid to use it because there are 2 challenges of this kind in Estonia - our neighbor country :) Did not want to duplicate. If my suggested concept is not possible or is too hard, then I will think of some variation of your proposal. Please feel free to respond if my idea is complicated or you believe it's not interesting as a challenge?by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible)
Wonderful, this is perfect, the case can be closed :) Thank you!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi! Here is one nuance that does not work exactly as I would like. Meanwhile I realized that minor improvement in my challenge is needed. 1) First part should not count total of 10 thousand FPs, as it looks to me that checker does it now. First validation should be against 5 found geocaches that each has at least 2000 FPs. 2) Second validation part is working well, but I would like to chaby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Great, this works very well. It would be a nice nuance if checker would start with top-favorited caches, but I believe system is built to start with oldest finds. And that is ok, too. Person can manually highlight those best caches in their logs if they like. Thank you!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi! Checker itself is working, but I would like to have 10 finds in each of those counties. Now it requires only one. Thanks!by AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Can we modify it then: found 10 geocaches that are located at least 10km from any other geocache you have found? In this way you only need to check finds of a particular user. If you could make this checker for this GC code: GC9PVEX, then I would test it and then decide if numbers (count of finds or radius) should be changed (maybe it's too simple or too complicated). But I like concept iby AnsisB - ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible)