This is perfect, thanks a million!by Soccertoa - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi, I'd like a simple challenge checker to verify the geocacher has found the following: 60 Challenge Caches (must have the challenge attribute) 60 Multi-Caches 60 Letterboxes 60 Wherigos 60 Virtuals 60 Earthcaches ~Thanks~by Soccertoa - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Looks great, thanks a million!by Soccertoa - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi, Thanks for the quick turnaround. The checker works perfect, exactly as I requested. However, the Tag comment is a bit confusing since it says: Tag comment: Find 26 caches in each of the following Maryland Counties: Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll County, and Frederick County. Cloned from tag 84171 Can you just change the comment to say 'Find 32 caches in each of the followby Soccertoa - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi, Please create a new challenge checker for GCAHZT9 similar to the checker used in GCAHT5W, but for 32 finds in each of the following counties in Maryland: Anne Arundel County, Howard County and Carroll County. Let me know if you need any further information. Thank Soccertoa - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Thanks you so much for setting this up for me. I really didn't know exactly what I was doing so this was a learning process for me. I was able to add the link to my cache page and I have submitted it for review. I did put a note on the cache page saying that anyone that placed one or more of the hides could include them as finds if needed in order to qualify for this challenge. I definitelyby Soccertoa - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Hi, I'd like to create a challenge cache to find 15 of the 20 oldest caches in Howard County, Maryland. This challenge and checker should be the same as, the Historical Caches of Baltimore County Challenge. My new cache is GC6KY3E. Let me know if you need any further information. Thanks you for your help with this. ~Kris (Soccertoa)by Soccertoa - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)