Sure thing. All -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed) Looks like a fun challengeby -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Try this... <a href=""><img src="" title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>by -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Some of these guidelines do seem kinda silly. Don't see the reason behind -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
I wonder if they will let you publish this. The Florida reviewer shot this same challenge down when I submitted it last month. HQ didn't let me publish it either under appeals. I know that there are similar challenges already out there. Maybe they are changing the rules -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Here you go... -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Here you go... -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Here you go... -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Here you go... -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
I dialed it back a little -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Here you go -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Here you go. Try this. <a href=""><img src="" title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>by -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
You're welcomeby -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Ok give it a shotby -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Ok all -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Here you go. I need the GC code to add it to the checker. <a href=""><img src="" title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>by -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Is a checker possible for this challenge GC3YM58? To qualify for this cache, much like the other one, you must find and log 63 DIFFERENT attributes from 63 DIFFERENT caches. These attributes must be the positive. No red X through them will count. NOW THE EVIL PART. Not only do you need to find and log 63 different attributes from 63 different caches. You also have to maintain an averageby -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible)
State oldest and Jasmer squares are my favorites. We were close to the West Virginia one on our drive to the Giga but just didn't have time. I'll be back! Fernandoby -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
No worries. I enjoyed setting it up. Sorry that they won't publish it. I don't understand that rule. My reviewer tells me the same thing. I think challenges should challenge you to accomplish something you haven't done -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
GC7R609 looks fine. GC7R5C3 hasn't published -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Congrats on the fun challenge! Now I just need to get up there and find it!by -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Here you go. Let me know if this works for you. Fernandoby -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Fun challenge! Here is your checker. <a href=""><img src="" title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>by -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Advanced Search doesn't return any Cache Owners that start with 0 for some reason. It can handle the rest of the numbers but not 0. My workaround was to create a list on Virtual GPS and add to it all the caches in the county that you might search in. Then you can go in the list and sort by cache -DOLFINANDO- - Miscellaneous
Hi Faye I've adjusted the checker. Let me know if it works for you. Fernandoby -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
It is tagged for 2 of those 5 presidents and I see that it gave you 2 Harrisons. Are the other 2 in the same county maybe? I believe that the checker is looking for different -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Try this checker. <a href=""><img src="" title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker"></a>by -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Is it possible to create a checker for this Challenge? GC2PBNYby -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Thank you. It looks great! Is there a way to add the required types to it?by -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Could someone set up a checker for GC4V96E? Thank -DOLFINANDO- - ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)