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So, I found a curios thing on the Asia map (and yes, I have a bit to much spare time right now) An enclave in Kazakhstan. I can't find any information on such a place, apart from the mining town Baikonur, which is a lot smaller than the area marked on the map. (And also not recognized as a country on

Any idea what this could be? An error in the source file? Alien space base?

in Bug reports by StadsAlv (10.1k points)
edited by StadsAlv
Is there a map image that you can link as well?
Oh, right. Screenshoted one and forgot to attach it

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Posting the original image link here as well, for the record:
It may very well change though, so your screenshot is nice to have.

Instinctively I don't see the reason, I assume we are talking about the almost perfect circle.

Our source data looks like this, , which doesn't have the problem. But, we are also intersecting it with a world map, which might be the cause. The intersection has several uses, but for example to clean up coastlines when the polygons doesn't stop there and spill out into the sea.

We don't have any tools prepared to view the world map we are intersecting with, but I will try to find some form of way to analyze it.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by StadsAlv
Yes, I meant the circle. I mean, this affects hardly anyone. I'm just curious when it comes to maps, enclaves and such.
I realized it wasn't really top priority. But if I didn't look at it now, it won't be looked at.

It seems like "Baikonur Cosmodrome" is its own country in our world map data. So we need to intersect with Kazakhstan AND Baikonur Cosmodrome, this should be resolved soon.

There are actually more than 500 ppl who have found caches in Kazakhstan. Did not expect that.
The result isn't perfect, it looks like this:

I couldn't figure out how to avoid the "country border" to appear. The downside of automatically generated maps. To be honest, I could probably have solved it, but I don't think anyone thinks it's worth a whole day of work to find out what's happening, and still only maybe solve it.

I think most will say that the most important is that there isn't a grey or white area.

EDIT: And by the way. I have only made a fix in the DEV environment. When released it will take some time, a lot of data-caching that needs to expire, both internal and external.

If I ever go to Kazakhstan I will buy a bottle of local booze and send it your way as thanks :)
If you are fixing the Kazachstan Map, please update the map extension of the "detail map". The eastern and western parts are cuted and not visible on the map. It is more or less only the central area of Kazachstan visible. (if you need an exampe you can check my profile)
The reason is fairly simple actually. Almost no countries have a boundary box, their maps are created from the locations of their geocaches. I assume Kazakhstan doesn't have any geocaches near the border. But we can try to find a bbox for it.
thanks for fixing the map boundary box "issue" for Kazakhstan. Unfortunately there are several other countries, which shows the same behaviour. Maybe it will be possible to make a general fix for all maps?
In my stats following countries doesnt show their complete extension: Asia (in general russian area); Brazil;Thailand (southern part); Chile; Argentina; Peru; USA (Alaska); Vietnam (NW-Part); Liechtenstein (it is okay, but it looks a little bit strange, because there is so much "non-Lichtenstein"; Laos (map extent and areas of found counties doesnt work); Russia