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+2 votes

Few weeks ago I have noticed that the total finds in project GC is different of the total finds in There is currently a difference of 1 cache and I don't understand why. I have read the FAQ but in there is all caches i have found, and there is no lab cache.

Thanks to different tools of this website I have found the cache that is not count by project GC : "Hélène et les garçons" (GC2P5EC). I found this cache in 2014 and it is currently active.

Could you help me to understand this issue ?
in Bug reports by Donald Duck Team (140 points)
I send a refresh request for this cache and lets see if it is going to help.

2 Answers

0 votes
I can't explain why it happened, but I can suggest how to fix it.

Go to Support -> Self Support, enter the GC code into the text box and click Refresh.
by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)
Thank you for your help sumbloke, i have tested your solution. Tomorrow I will see if it works !
unfortunately it doesn't work :(
–1 vote
You should be able to make Project-GC to refresh all your logs to fix the number of finds. It is under

Support -> Self Support -> Refresh found geocaches

It will take some time, but it should eventually fix the problem.
by Jakuje (Moderator) (117k points)
Thank you for your help Jakuje, i have tested your solution. Tomorrow I will see if it works !
unfortunately it doesn't work :(