Maybe you catched new change of rules (valid from 8th May 2017)
- Cache owners will no longer be able to log a Find, DNF, Webcam Photo Taken, Needs Archived, or Needs Maintenance on their owned caches. However, event owners can log an Attended or Will Attend on their own events.
- Players will no longer be able to log more than 1 (one) Find, Attended, Webcam Photo Taken, or Will Attend per cache. Players will still be able to change a Write Note to a Find if they have not already logged a Find on the cache.
These changes are not retroactive. Past logs are not affected.
So until that date we can clean logs with perfect tool Find Bad Logs from Project-GC and then will be everything watched by Groundspek directliy (finaly).
Did PGC stop this tool or it still remains in menu ?