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+16 votes

Any interesting targets for this year?
We set ourselves some short term goals in 2017 and managed to achieve them all!

(i) Visit at least 10 events and try to get to a Mega. Organise at least 4 events.
We attended 38 events, the Kent Mega, and organised 11 of our own events (two overseas)

 (ii) Make it to at least 3250 found caches
We got to 3604 caches.

 (iii) Get to at least 80 hidden caches
Made it to 102

(iv) Keep Karma above 1.0 for the last 6 months of the year
Karma has been above 1.0 all year and ended with 1.37

Our goals for 2018 include ones which will allow us to continue putting plenty back into the game for people to enjoy:
(1) Attend 3 Mega events and organise at least 10 events managed 3 Megas, but only organised 7 events
(2) Try to hide one cache a week (on average) had 48 hidden in 2018 so nearly made it!
(3) Aim for a karma of 1.50 Ended on 1.75
(4) Complete our D/T grid the first time round, and head for a second time round as well! Completed first and need 13 for second

What are your goals for 2018?

Happy 2018 everyone!

in Miscellaneous by GCZ Team (22.0k points)
edited by GCZ Team

63 Answers

+2 votes
My goals for 2018:

- Visit some mega events in Europe

- Organize some events in Europe.

-  Create letterbox and earth caches.

I wish good luck to everyone in 2018 !!!
by krtecek.66 (190 points)
+1 vote
For this year, I don't have any goals. Maybe I'll try not to hide so much Caches, but I will see...
by capoaira (7.1k points)
edited by capoaira
+1 vote
Honestly...I have none. (I'm sorry) :(
by Potatonator (11.3k points)
That is not very challenging ...
Sounds like my New Year's resolutions...
I'm sure you will find some! :-)
+1 vote

Goals for 2018

  • First of all: To log remaining caches and events from 2015 to 2017 (approx. 2000)
  • Host a CITO event and an event
  • Visit one GIGA event
  • Create a new cache to beat my cache with most retrieved FP
  • Create a third EC to retrieve the highest EC award
by Geo-Dragonchild (920 points)
+1 vote
I would like to complete my Delorme for South Carolina and then start on Georgia's plethora of counties.
by wagtag15 (170 points)
+1 vote
I have several geocaching goals that I'm working towards, but I don't take time into the equation. A wise man once told me that the main point of a hobby, was that it should be an activity free of obligation. Something you only do when and because you feel like doing it. The moment you start feeling bad for not fulfilling your obligations for an activity, it ceases to be a true hobby. I think that's a good point. I pursue this hobby as a way to get my mind off of all the other obligations in life.
by Komlekar (260 points)
+1 vote
I had a good caching year in 2017 (HQ, APE Cache, 3000+ caches found), for 2018 I'd like to host an event or two, first Giga, more adventures. Always more adventures!
by Mike Fitz (5.0k points)
+1 vote

I basicly answered it in the "High end goals" topic. But I'll add some edit's, already!

I only have one goal for next year that's considered High level. I want to find 3000 caches in 2018.
Or maybe also: log 200 caches/day on MTB.

Other small goals are
- Trying to visit the 3 (mega/giga) events that interest me. Make that 4 or 5
- Log caches in Belgium (home), Holland, Germany, France, Luxemburg, Italy and maybe other countries. & Austria, Slovakia
- Start on treecaches.
- Make a small mystery series.  Published 6 already, more to come.
- And host at least 2 meet 'n greets. First one scheduled Feb 1st
- Place an Eartcache

by Sportilicious (1.9k points)
+1 vote
My only target is to find nice caches and have a lot of fun!

have a nice year 2018
by Spagg68 (1.3k points)
+1 vote
Geocaching Goals mmmh

- Meet 3 Mega-Events in Germany

- Find new Geocaching-Friends, for sharing Geocaching-Experience (=> new Goals)

- Try to visit GC 40 (Belgium)

- Hope to vistit as many Geocaches from our Booklist " I absolutely have to do that"

- Host our third Event in an row "Geocaching Friends Limburg"

.. .

 A lot to do.

by The4Hasards (3.2k points)
edited by The4Hasards
+1 vote
Find at least 1 FTF per month and attend events.  Other than that, I'll take a more organic approach to stats in 2018.
by TerraViators (9.1k points)
+1 vote
My goal is for 2018, friends and acquaintances learn how to cach.
Because it's a great hobby for tall and small people.

Mein Ziel ist es für 2018, Freunde und Bekannte lernen wie mann cacht.
Denn es ist ein tolles Hobby für groß und kleine Menschen.

Minos2003 from Belgium
by Minos2003 (4.8k points)
+1 vote
After some day of 2018 went away, I have now made the decision what will be my goals for 2018.

1. I will go forward on the Straeck and finish the 365 days  -  hard enough

2. during this I will pick up the missing caches to hide some easier Challenges for beginners and/ or medium cachers
- like a 5x5 and 6x6 Matrix to have a goal for other on the way to their 81er Matrix
- similar a 1/3 and a 1/2 Jasmer Challenge which needs only the last 6 resp. 9 years to be completed
by Rolli2 (6.3k points)
+1 vote
my goal is to find at least one cache a week for 2018.  Too bad I didn't make the goal until Jan 20th but I will start from there.  My other goal is to learn how to use my GPS that my kids just bought me
by Magnet02 (170 points)
+1 vote
I would like to visit new places and spend a nice time in nature. If you ask about statistics, it would be great to find at least 50x T5 and 5x 5/5 cache. I would like also to create one or two caches. I wish you all to complete your geocaching goals!
by hynous (3.1k points)
+1 vote
- Finish the tradi matrix

- go T5-Climbing (with friends)

- Most important: Have fun and meet old and new cacher-friends :)
by SaHaRe (170 points)
+1 vote
Looking just for caches which are worth to get found. That`s my target after all those years
by Bluesane (220 points)
+1 vote
As I wrote somewhere here - I have only one goal - fulfill calendar challenge - traditional cache every day. I need only one found on 25th January and I did it, actually I complete it with an ftf [:)] So my goal for 2018 is done and now I must plane something new, still 11 months before me [:D]
by drobec (4.5k points)
+1 vote
The first goal for this year is to have logged at least one geocache in every municipality in Sweden. There are only eleven left by 290.
by Anders69 (170 points)
+1 vote
I want to try 2018
hide a really good nice cache

Ich möchte 2018 versuchen,
einen richtig guten schönen cache verstecken
by Minos2003 (4.8k points)