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+2 votes

It seems there is no flag for the country "St. Vincent and the Grenadines" available.

See e.g. my profile (Country/Maps page):

closed with the note: The flag is shown now. Seems the bug is solved.
in Bug reports by Lineflyer (4.5k points)
closed by Lineflyer
Also in the badge tab, there is an empty space (no flag, no bage background) at one place. I assume "St. Vincent and the Grenadines" should appear there as well.
The link you provided will give profile stats for the current user. To show your user stats to others, use
Thanks, updated my original post.

1 Answer

–2 votes
The flag is showing on mine.
by Titus Adduxas (520 points)
No, it is not, the following link shows empty flag:
I can even see in the source code, that the image link is missing. So I also disagree, its not showing.
Oops - you’re quite right. The circle is there but the flag is missing.