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0 votes
I like the PGC maps which let me map caches in an area which would progress me towards some goal (e.g., caches hidden on a date for which I don't have a find yet).    But in the local area, there are some caches I've decided I am probably never going to find.   For instance, too near to a homeless encampment or closer to private land than I'm comfortable with or even just one I've given a good try to 3 times and just don't think I'm going to solve.    For those situations, it would be nice to be able to maintain a list of these caches and then filter them out when building a PGC map.
in Feature requests by SLOFolks (360 points)
Ignore bookmark list is available for Map Compare, but that filter type is not available for some of the map types (for instance:  Map Hidden Date  or  Map Hidden Months).   Still looking for a solution to filter out caches from Map Hidden Date.

1 Answer

0 votes
This should be possible by using the filter "Ignore Bookmark list" (this is available for example in map compare). Using the official "ignore list" from is not possible, because the list is not public, as said in the following answer:

I don't think, there is update yet.
by Jakuje (Moderator) (117k points)
Yes, that solution works fine. I’m using it regularly.
Ignore bookmark list is available for Map Compare, but that filter type is not available for some of the map types (for instance:  Map Hidden Date  or  Map Hidden Months).   Still looking for a solution there.