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Account: frankwashington

Haven't been able to get project-gc to work, always gives Internal server error (followed by random letters/numbers) and this been going on for a while. I'm a new member, signed up last month.  I am not a premium member. Thanks. 

A friend of mine who is a premium member also says this comes up when checking my stats, but his is fine and works for other accounts. 

in Bug reports by frankwashington (120 points)
The "random letters/numbers" are the key for resolving your issue. So once you will see the issue again, lets post also them so the administrators can help you.
The internal server error code is 5b42c17154a311.87674571 (try to go to users profile stats and you will get the error message)
Internal server error (5b42cc061499b0.23228831)
refreshed the page

Internal server error (5b42cc614ff2c2.99959405)

new error code

1 Answer

0 votes
In the past I had two different error pages.

1. Internal server error ...

After a waiting time of 5 minutes to several hours it worked again. Probably the server is busy.

2. Error 502 Bad gateway

with the possibility to "Retry for a life version". That works mostly.
by micha_de (7.1k points)