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+7 votes
in Miscellaneous by TerraViators (9.1k points)
There are many geocaching sites, just use another :-) But since I am a bit of inactive in the recent years due to building a house and working on it, wedding, having a child and soon another one ... who got time for geocaching :D

27 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Geocasching is for us a cure for our sightseeing trips, and cachs checking is something extra. I think that there would soon be another game that would replace geocaching. But I believe that nothing like that will happen.

by medvedzl (1.8k points)
selected by TerraViators
+9 votes
I'd set up my own geocaching site!
by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.3k points)
+6 votes
I am a hiker more than a Geocacher.  So while I really enjoy hinding creative geocaches, I love to hike and will continue hiking regardless if there is a geocache there or not.
by ormustr (4.0k points)
+4 votes
I will do classic hiking again as before
by mimh_de_benetnash (2.0k points)
+4 votes

"What life?"

Every Geocacher Ever 

by Potatonator (11.3k points)
+2 votes
I would like to die for boredom than I found another hobby.
by nimir (2.1k points)
Maybe I'd start catching Pokemon. :-D :D :D
+2 votes
My life would be meaningless.
by nahactom (190 points)
+2 votes
Well,  without geocaching all my sports activities would become much faster again, like biking 50 km instead of 50 x 161 mir
by Woodee123 (330 points)
+2 votes
Disappear ... no problem ...

ask the project-gc db admin to provide a interface and bring it back online under project-gc

project-gc has a imho a most complete "backup" of the data, might in a more efficent structure for statistics ...

and spend my yearly donation twice to project-gc.
by AR-Team (650 points)
+1 vote

I would have joined the geocaching site that optimist on the run would create ... lol
and I would have to continue to search for riddle solutions ...

traduit par google translate

j'aurais adhéré au site de géocachette qu'optimist on the run aurait créer
et j'aurais continuer a chercher des solutions d'enigmes ...

by Chup'a (11.2k points)
+1 vote
Consider suicide.

JK. But seriously, I would at least try to save all my profile stats somehow, so I could look back on that in a few years.

Also I think sightseeing trips and hiking is far more interesting with some geocaches adding some special spots and adventures to my trips, so without geocaching traveling would maybe be a little less interesting for me
by crift (340 points)
+1 vote
I am a hiker. I am working indoor the hole day long. Hiking means freedom for me. But geocaching

But geocaching has given me goals for my hikes since becoming a geocacher.

Nothing will be the same anymore.

But, thank God, that´s not all !!!
by Team Grautvornix (720 points)
+1 vote
Substantially, but thats mainly because im on a find streak at the moment so im caching daily. I would probably go back to photography and my fishing rods would start accompanying me on the kayak
by BFMC (3.6k points)
+1 vote
I would be thankful to all the CO's that have shown be beautiful and interesting places I did not know, a richdom of new experiences I did not foresee. I have also been inspired to do that to others, too, by laying out hundreds of caches in our mountainous neighbourhood.

If geocaching disappeared? I would probably look for other sources to get and share such information. Until I started geocaching, photography and Flickr was my great hobby. I would probably go back to making more photos, and take advantages of all I have learned through geocaching.
by Y? O! (580 points)
+1 vote
It would only bother me if I had solved a very difficult mystery and waited too long for the find and log.
by AchWas-HN (440 points)
+1 vote
We would definitely join Optimist on the Run's new site and hope it would fill the gap left by the other sites! We have discovered so many new and exciting places over the past few years while geocaching, even in areas we thought we knew very well, we would want to keep it up!
by GCZ Team (22.0k points)
+1 vote
I like to hike, but without geocaching I would never find this beautiful and interesting location where some cache is.
Especially on holiday it is very impressive to visit a cache.
The holiday would be only half as nice without geocaching.
Greeted from Belgium.

Ich wandere sehr gerne, aber ohne Geocaching würde ich diese schönen und interesante Lokation nimals finden wo manch eine Cache liegt.
Besonders im Urlaub ist es sehr Beindruckend einen Cache zu besuchen.
Der Urlaub wäre nur halb so schön ohne Geocaching.
Seit gegrüßt aus Belgien.
by Minos2003 (4.8k points)
+1 vote
I'd spend more time on my other passe times (MTB, genealogy, stamps, travel,...). But I would miss it for sure.
by Sportilicious (1.9k points)
+1 vote
Never would go outside again. ;)
by Kodo-Jano (2.4k points)
+1 vote
It would reduce the time in move very significantly. I take geocaching mainly as a sport, a move, a lot of walking.
by lukasMK (400 points)