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+3 votes
What was this year, did your meeting accomplish?
in Miscellaneous by RendyStod (1.5k points)

20 Answers

+4 votes
In october, I celebrated my 10 years of geocaching by finding the most favored cache in France: Eiffel Power in Paris.
I met a lot of geocachers near the Eiffel Tower
by mimh_de_benetnash (2.0k points)
+2 votes
This year I accomplished quite a few things including reaching find number 1000 and completing my DT matrix at the same time! I also hid my first few caches.
by msweetnw (1.7k points)
+1 vote
For me, it was once more travelling around and seeing new countries, as well as places I may not have found otherwise, starting with Gibraltar and Morocco in January and the doing a trip to the British Islands including the Isle of Man and Dublin (visiting GC43). I was able to complete my Germany map (6 states had been missing) and did some nice hiking trips. Well, and approaching 10000 finds - may have to set up a special event for that...

For all of you, enjoy the last days of 2018 and have a good start into the new year!
by Domino_67 (6.8k points)
+1 vote
Until now my most southern GeoCache was one in Barcelona / Spain.

This year I managed to push my limits further south to a GeoCache on Sicily / Italy.
by Gubemax (1.6k points)
+1 vote

A good question - thanks for asking it! We had quite a few successes this year:

(i) We reached gold black belt on BadgeGen without having completed the D/T grid.

(ii) We at last completed our first D/T grid with a 2/5 church micro cache accessed by kayak!

(iii) We visited three new countries - Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro

(iv) We reached 4000 caches earlier in the year and are only 100+ from reaching 5000.

A good caching year - a few more to do this year, but looking forward to next year!

by GCZ Team (22.0k points)
edited by GCZ Team
+1 vote
Finally, we succeeded in meeting 7 types of caches in 7 country.
by lukasMK (400 points)
+1 vote
Same as last year. Every day Minimum one Cache.
by Kodo-Jano (2.4k points)
+1 vote
Although I had the lowest find number this year (compared to the years before), I managed to accomplish a couple of goals:

reach 2500 finds (July)
complete the D/T grid (May)
get at least one new county souvenir (Portugal in June, Canada in September)
push the westernmost find way westwards to British Columbia, Canada (September)
fill the "Little Jasmer" (everything since 12/2000), only 4 2000s missing (September)
by clappy (16.3k points)
+1 vote

I tried to get a lot of PGC-Points as a normal user and it is possible to reach diamond level.

There are plenty possibilities in Project GC and I learn nearly every day something new.

It would be nice to have a detailed manual for Project-GC.

Happy caching

Ich habe versucht als normaler Nutzer möglichst viele PGC-Punkte zu sammeln und es ist möglich das Diamant-Abzeichen zu erreichen.

Project-GC bietet sehr viele Möglichkeiten und ich finde fast täglich etwas neues heraus.

Es wäre toll, wenn es ein ausführliches Handbuch für Project-GC geben würde.

Viel Freude beim Cachen


by micha_de (7.1k points)
+1 vote
Although, I did not very much caching Groundspeak was able to get me out for each souvenir hunt this year. I also found my 1000nd cache and my most eastern and southern one on the Maledives. So I think not bad at all.
by _Ulle_ (1.1k points)
+1 vote

From the "Goals 2018" thread (green = suc6, red = fail)

As a startze I mostly make my own goals. By day, month, year. Haven't done the grid because there are not enough different D/T ratings nearby. But yes, I still want to fill it (probably next year).

I only have one goal for next year that's considered High level. I want to find 3000 caches in 2018.
Or maybe also: log 200 caches/day on MTB.

Other small goals are
- Trying to visit the 3 (mega/giga) events that interest me.
- Log caches in Belgium (home), Holland, Germany, France, Luxemburg, Italy and maybe other countries.
- Start on treecaches.
- Make a small mystery series
- And host at least 2 meet 'n greets

In other words, 2018 was a great caching year and it keeps getting better!
Met new peepz and got to know some other cachers a lot better. Visited some amazing places and completed the matrix twice, etc etc
But the best is that I 've met an amazing girlfriend who loves caching!

by Sportilicious (1.9k points)
0 votes

for me I lived my first unforgettable geocoinfest in nantes in france on 15.09.2018

by Chup'a (11.2k points)
0 votes
This year I want to find and log 45 caches.
Then we have 6000 finds.
by Minos2003 (4.8k points)
0 votes
I completed my caching calendar this year, and reached the first level of the black belt in badgegen.
by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.3k points)
I also went for the black belt this year, and managed it one week before the end of the year. Just to discover it was one level more...
0 votes
Many firsts for me in 2018.  I created a geoart and built my first lab caches for the Texas Challenge event.  I gave a 101 class for earthcaches at the CacheExpo in Weatherford, TX.  My swing band played at a geocaching event which was really fun.
by TerraViators (9.1k points)
0 votes
I reached the big 1000 this year.
by Potatonator (11.3k points)
0 votes

Completed during 2018.

1. Completed the Fizzy (and completed a second loop)

2. Completed the Jasmer

3. Completed the Date Hidden calandar

4. Completed a 365 daily find streak (ended it at 370)

5. Completed the found on 365 days calandar

6. Completed getting all available positive and negative attributes

Thank you Project GC for the assist on these challenges.

by ormustr (4.0k points)
0 votes
- we found many great caches

- we finished some loops in the matrix again

- We were able to see a lot of beautiful places and landscapes

- we met nice cacher

- The year was really great and successful
by Spagg68 (1.3k points)
0 votes
Reached the 2000 and did everyday minimum one Cache/Event.
by Kodo-Jano (2.4k points)
0 votes
I found over 2000 caches. That was the goal.
by supertwinfan (19.6k points)