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+19 votes
Time for the annual question - what are your geocaching hopes, plans, ambitions and/or targets for 2019?

To get the ball rolling, I'm hoping to clear my DT grid (though I think I said that last year), and get at least three new gemstones on BadgeGen. I'm planning to get at least two new countries (Czechia and Italy), and continue my series of SideTracked events in the UK.

I'm also hoping to do a "multiple counties" 24 hour bash with friends, and would like to try to get 100 caches in a day.
in Miscellaneous by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.3k points)
I would like to reach my 4000 caches in 2019, until then I only need about 890 caches.
My 81 matrix should finally be finished, missing only 1 difficulty.
An event is planned, on the subject of Cito to go, how to make such a thing.
I believe these are enough wishes, now I have to dare to fulfill.
i want to reach my 3K :D
I would reach 1K cache found and And exceed my altitude limit of 3500mt
I woul like have 1000 founds
At the end of 2019 I haven't my goal of participate in one mega :-(

60 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Our targets and ambitions for 2019 are:

(1) Create an earthcache - it’s the only type we haven’t hidden yet. DONE

(2) Hide a large size cache - the only size we haven’t hidden yet. STILL TO DO!

(3) Fill in more of the months left on our Jasmer grid - we have 26 still to go. We are now on 17 to go!

(4) Attend at least 40 events; we managed 46 in 2018. We managed 48 in 2019!

Our goals for last year were 

(1) Attend 3 Mega events and organise at least 10 events (well we did attend 3 Megas - UK Yorkshire 10th Anniversary Mega, Piratemania 11 and Winter Geolympix) but we only managed to arrange 7 events ourselves - must improve on that!.

(2) Try to hide one cache a week (on average). Mmmmm. We tried hard, and we’ve hidden some caches late in 2018 which won’t be published until 2019, but overall we had 39 published in 2018, although 51 hidden in 2018!

(3) Aim for a karma of 1.50. We ended the year on 1.75 so very proud of that!

(4) Complete our D/T grid the first time round, and head for a second time round as well! Managed that one - finished the first grid and need 13 now for a second time round.

by GCZ Team (22.0k points)
edited by GCZ Team
+6 votes

This is what I have come up with for my 2019 goals:

by msweetnw (1.7k points)
+4 votes
I want to spend more time in this beautiful hobby again and put a night UV-cache.

Greeted from Belgium

Ich möchte wieder mehr Zeit in dieses schöne Hobby investieren und einen Nacht UV-Cache zu legen.
Seit gegrüßt aus Belgien
by Minos2003 (4.8k points)
+4 votes

I honestly haven't given it much thought yet. Maybe:

  • Complete the second loop of the D/T grid
  • Reach 3000 finds
  • Get outside a bit more regularly than in 2018
  • Get one or two new country souvenirs (haven't decided on the holiday destination yet...)
  • Hide a few more caches
  • Get more gemstone badges
by clappy (16.3k points)
+4 votes
Since I wanted to do the D/T Matrix this year but did not go outside a lot geocaching at all this will be my target for 2019 and also to go outside more often. Maybe reach the 1.500 Caches.
by _Ulle_ (1.1k points)
+3 votes
  1. Place a type of cache that I haven't placed before
  2. Bump at least two more badges to Ruby status or higher
  3. Bump my belt at least two grades
  4. Extend my most easterly cache found
Let's see how that goes :)
by Funky_Boris (9.8k points)
+2 votes

I hope to have a lot of fun discovering new caches and especially to participate in more megaevent in several countries with meetings of new friends for new unforgettable adventures

by Chup'a (11.2k points)
+2 votes
I did quite a lot of geocaching in 2018 (in particular, in the second half of the year) and please bear with me when I may not be able to keep up that pace.

What I would like to:

- reach 10000 finds (probably somewhen in March)

- complete the second round of the 366 (and of course not miss the 29.02.)

- visit some more new countries

- set up some new geocaches myself (still looking for a good spot for a large...)

- keep enjoying to go out with my caching friends ;-)
by Domino_67 (6.8k points)
Minor update: second round of 366 completed by 01.03. and find #10k going to be the event on Saturday...
+2 votes
more country points ;) more diamond badges...

attenting some megas and gigas...

there is enough to do!
by Rumreisenden (4.3k points)
+2 votes

I started Caching at the end of November 2017 so have just completed my first year. I now realise how many additional challenges there are! A friend brought a 365 micro challenge to my attention - huge for me as I only had 45 different date micro finds as I entered 2019. I retired in the summer of 2018 and moved back to the UK which provided such a wide range of caching opportunities compared to the island of Guernsey so my targets for 2019 are:

  • complete the 365 day micro challenge; the last date to get will be 30th December!
  • As I need to get so many different days for the micro challenge I might as well have a go at caching every day this year!
  • realistic challenge: increase my finds to 1000 (currently 465)
  • Dream challenge: reach 2020 finds on 1st January 2020!!
I would also like to fill in more of my date hidden and D/T grids and am going to try to combine these with my micro challenge where possible.
Good Luck everyone with your own personal challenges. Remember whatever the challenges keep on enjoying!
by Puddlesplasher25 (190 points)
+1 vote
Enjoy the game and exercise without worrying about the stats and drama.  I'd like to see folks getting back to realistic numbers.
by TerraViators (9.1k points)
+1 vote
* Have fun caching with GeoChicca. (& with other geo-friends)
* Placing a small boattrail.
* Visit some more lost places.
* Find the best caches around on our travels abroad.
* Host an event for my 5000th Found.

And whatever else may come...
by Sportilicious (1.9k points)
+1 vote
I have a very busy year ahead of me, so I won't be out caching as much, but I hope to try 24 hours of straight geocaching.
by Potatonator (11.3k points)
+1 vote
My goals for 2019:

1. Complete my 3rd loop of the Fizzy (D/T) grid

2. Find all (or 95%) of the caches in my home county.  Not sure will make this goal, but I can try!

3. Release a series of caches.  Really need to work on my caching is way too low.

4. Have fun!
by ormustr (4.0k points)
+1 vote
2019 will be a transition year for me because my goal is to participate in my first Giga in 2020.
Happy new year !
by mimh_de_benetnash (2.0k points)
+1 vote
Jasmer is the main goal (not so easy from Australia).... just missing the 1 month, I am sure its the usual one (August 2000).

Giga.... man, I hope Geowoodstock goes Giga again, as I am booked to go!

Maybe the other APE cache.... would be nice to get both
by GreyHams (1.7k points)
+1 vote
- we would like to find some caches in the European foreign countries again this year

- We want to close some gaps in the Jasmer matrix again

- We want to complete some loops in the matrix again

- We want to visit nice events and meet nice cacher
by Spagg68 (1.3k points)
+1 vote
I have a few.  Fairly easy to obtain, but with a potential change in work coming up, it could completely hinder many of them:

-  Find my 1600th cache (219 to go)

- Level up every cache type except Letterbox in BadgeGen (which would grant me four new gemstone badges)

- Attend 3 Mega Events (work could really hinder this goal)

- Fill in more Jasmer finds (not counting 2019, I need 22 more...but I'll definitely keep up with 2019)

- Fill in more D/T combinations (need 17 more)

- Finish my 366 days of caching grid (need three, including December 25th, which has been the most challenging caching day for me so far)

- Cache in two more countries (goal is set based on an upcoming work trip...that changes, and this goal might be unattainable for me)
by PSUSteeler (280 points)
Whelp, not exactly as planned, but life can get in the way.

- Short of 1600 caches by 29.  Gave it a good shot.

- Leveled up 6/11 cache types.  Not bad.  Got a few more gemstones out of the deal.

- Got to one Mega Event only.

-  Don't think I filled in any more Jasmer, and definitely didn't get any more D/T...but I was able to keep up with 2019, so that's less for me to worry about next year.

- Completed by 366 caching days grid.  Now I can slowly fill that in twice, and look to fill the dates placed grid.

- Got two more countries thanks to the work trip, and some free time - Austria and North Macedonia.  

Still need to sit and think about potential targets for 2020.
+1 vote

In 2019 I woul'd like

  • repeat my series of walking events for tourists
  • hide one or more caches
  • visit some coutry in Northern Europe
  • find my cache #10000
by (350 points)
edited by
+1 vote
I want enjoy with geocaching.
by Ariberna (1.6k points)