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+1 vote
There are 133 counties in Virginia.  

I would like to know if there is an easy way to find the oldest geocache in each of the counties in one query?

I know how to get the oldest in each county, but I have to run a query for each county individually.
in Miscellaneous by reedkickball (260 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

There is a challenge checker for this
eg. GC7D1VZ - CCT - 15 Virginia's Oldies County'ng Challenge (United States)

If this is not exactly what you need a checker may be implemented by anyone who has the right to write a checker.

Happy caching

by micha_de (7.1k points)
edited by micha_de
Checker output:
#    gccode    Hiddendate    Name    County
1    GCBBF7    31.12.2002    Assateague Lighthouse    Accomack County
2    GC49E    13.03.2001    Big Flat Mountain    Albemarle County
3    GCHGV3    15.01.2004    alleghany trail cache    Alleghany County
4    GCMQVX    09.02.2005    too easy    Amelia County
5    GC1F0    03.02.2001    Percival’s Island Geocache    Amherst County
6    GC6120    06.06.2002    Wave To The Indian    Appomattox County
7    GC3E56    28.02.2002    Place of Honor    Arlington County
8    GC234F    14.10.2001    Staunton Dam Cache    Augusta County
9    GC9ED7    19.10.2002    Tradeshow Trinkets    Bath County
10    GC1730    18.08.2001    James River Face Wilderness    Bedford County
11    GCBDE1    31.12.2002    Low Water Trail    Bland County
12    GC6EE9    09.07.2002    The Rock     Botetourt County
13    GC94A0    28.09.2002    Gaston State Line    Brunswick County
14    GCP35J    28.05.2005    Golden Wave    Buchanan County
15    GC458    11.03.2001    Two Dogs Geocache    Buckingham County
16    GC4D65    14.04.2002    J.H. Phillips Wayside    Campbell County
17    GCBD9    09.06.2001    Guinea Station    Caroline County
18    GC5CAE    26.05.2002    Covered Bridge at Reflections    Carroll County
19    GC179H5    09.11.2007    The Overlooked Cache    Charles City County
20    GCF389    05.04.2003    Come Visit Clarkton! (STRTTT #3)    Charlotte County
21    GC491    11.03.2001    Richmond's Original    Chesterfield County
22    GCCF55    03.02.2003    Great Quarters!    Clarke County
23    GCGHJN    27.07.2003    My Best Friend Cache    Craig County
24    GC1MJYA    10.02.2009    Up - Up and Away    Culpeper County
25    GC110VE    10.08.2003    Little Lost bear    Cumberland County
26    GCGCV9    28.06.2003    Laurel Lake    Dickenson County
27    GCQ3KW    11.08.2005    White Oak Road    Dinwiddie County
28    GCRH5Z    23.11.2005    Six Feet Under    Essex County
29    GC175    17.12.2000    Burke Lake Park    Fairfax County
30    GC2F1F    30.12.2001    Who saw it first    Fauquier County
31    GCH61V    04.11.2003    Millin' & Stillin'     Floyd County
32    GCH21G    12.10.2003    The Return of the Heritage Hide    Fluvanna County
33    GCE1CF    09.03.2003    221 Cache     Franklin County
34    GC2FAA    01.01.2002    Devil's Backbone    Frederick County
35    GC257A    29.10.2001    Mary Draper Ingles    Giles County
36    GC376B    02.02.2002    The Beaver's Treat    Gloucester County
37    GC188X4    06.01.2008    I love old Bricks!    Goochland County
38    GC48BC    02.04.2002    TGEGTG'S Campsite Cache    Grayson County
39    GCWVY8    28.06.2006    The Chum Bucket    Greene County
40    GC2DHR3    16.08.2010    Pine Row    Greensville County
41    GC22ETA    30.12.2009    Southern Hospitality    Halifax County
42    GCDCEE    01.03.2003    Poor Farm at the Center of the Universe    Hanover County
43    GC11CD    31.05.2004    The Crump Park Car Lot    Henrico County
44    GC7D80    11.08.2002    Lyra's Lair 3    Henry County
45    GC1BFF    08.09.2001    Laurel Fork Fun Fund    Highland County
46    GCH51T    29.10.2003    Smithfield's Other Claim To Fame    Isle of Wight County
47    GC1A19    01.09.2001    The Valley Road    James City County
48    GC1464    04.08.2001    John Short 1754 Benchmark    King George County
49    GCVP3B    26.04.2006    Amongst the Wicked    King William County
50    GCRWD7    04.01.2006    1679 Fishorboat    King and Queen County
51    GCHW0T    06.03.2004    Hickory Hollow    Lancaster County
52    GCHEMV    03.01.2004    Run for the Border    Lee County
53    GC119B    19.07.2001    A Walk in the (Ashburn) Park    Loudoun County
54    GC3628    28.01.2002    Up The Creek Without A Paddle    Louisa County
55    GC2GN7H    13.10.2010    Victoria Railroad Park #2    Lunenburg County
56    GC16B2    14.08.2001    Moonshine Mountain    Madison County
57    GCK7JC    06.08.2004    Sally Tompkins, Captain, CSA    Mathews County
58    GC1AF1    02.09.2001    DAM CACHE III    Mecklenburg County
59    GCKM4V    22.09.2004    The Boat Launch turned Sand Box    Middlesex County
60    GC59C6    19.05.2002    Ut Prosim    Montgomery County
61    GCJ714    15.04.2004    Wahrani Footprints Cache    New Kent County
62    GCGTXJ    02.09.2003    Pirate Ships    Northampton County
63    GCKZD3    01.11.2004    Down by the old BUSH mill stream    Northumberland County
64    GC1P43D    22.03.2009    Primitive campground    Nottoway County
65    GC8001    15.08.2002    James Madison    Orange County
66    GC1A6C    02.09.2001    At The Rock    Page County
67    GC1E96    23.09.2001    Spencer's Gold    Patrick County
68    GC6E05    07.07.2002    Lyra's Lair 2    Pittsylvania County
69    GCP632    04.06.2005    Grab & Dash Cache @ South Creek    Powhatan County
70    GCF874    13.04.2003    German WWII POW camp cache    Prince Edward County
71    GCMKEM    24.01.2005    Moses At Mount Sinai Community Park    Prince George County
72    GC184C    22.08.2001    "Well of decay"    Prince William County
73    GC45A3    25.03.2002    GATEWOOD LAKE VIEW    Pulaski County
74    GC1X4D5    11.08.2009    SHEN: Compton Peak    Rappahannock County
75    GCV8VH    06.04.2006    Don't Pine for us    Richmond County
76    GC325B    13.01.2002    Buck Mountain1    Roanoke County
77    GC17AB    19.08.2001    Little Ottie II / Bluff Mtn.    Rockbridge County
78    GC73F0    21.07.2002    Hone Quarry     Rockingham County
79    GCGTJF    01.09.2003    Mountaintop Lake Cache    Russell County
80    GC57DF    12.05.2002    Granny's Water Totin' Bucket    Scott County
81    GC2E48    27.12.2001    Middle Mountain    Shenandoah County
82    GCCEB8    02.02.2003    Treasure Chest    Smyth County
83    GCWZAC    04.07.2006    To The Rescue...    Southampton County
84    GC123C    23.07.2001    Famous Last Words    Spotsylvania County
85    GCB1C    02.06.2001    Beanpoles and Cornstalks    Stafford County
86    GCHF3B    24.01.2005    James River Trail    Surry County
87    GCMT48    13.02.2005    Wrath of Isabel    Sussex County
88    GCF84F    12.04.2003    Amber's Stash    Tazewell County
89    GCA6ED    10.11.2002    Buzzard Hideout    Warren County
90    GCEAA    02.07.2001    Creeper Cache    Washington County
91    GCF49    07.07.2001    Goat Skywalkers    Westmoreland County
92    GC4B37    08.04.2002    Guest River Gorge Cache    Wise County
93    GC135    06.01.2001    Elvis Confluence    Wythe County
94    GC2BAF    08.12.2001    The Cave    York County
0 votes
I am not aware of a possibility to get a list of the oldest caches in each of the counties.

However, what might be quite close to the result you want to achieve is to run a Map compare search with cache location "United States" and "Virginia" but leaving open the county field.

What you get is, beneath the map, a list with all caches in Virginia which is sorted by county and within the county by age. Strictly speaking by GC code, but most of the time the lower the code the earlier the cache.

There is one problem, though: as there are more than 10000 caches in Virginia, listing all the caches would be too much for the list. Therefore, you have to add a "hidden to" filter. You have to try around with the dates, I have put end of 2006 as an example: If some counties do not have any caches as old as that, fiddle around with the cut off date or check the (few?) missing counties manually.

Hope this helps. Happy new year!
by k+gw+a (12.6k points)