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+1 vote
in Support and help by T-BearNose39 (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

No. Project-GC does not have any more information than there is publicly available on website. Project-GC can access your corrected coordinates for your comfort, but it does not share them with anyone else nor provides any way of verifying these coordinates.

by Jakuje (Moderator) (117k points)
0 votes

Project-gy does not provide any hints or checks for coordinates.

Some cachers/caches provide a geochecker.

If you are not shure wheter your coordinates are correct - please also try to contact the owner.. Most of them are very kind to tell you wheter your coordinates are coreect or not. Espacially if you tell them how you solved the mystery.

by supertwinfan (19.6k points)