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+3 votes
Wanting to generate statistics for my GC profile.
in Support and help by AT502 (180 points)
What sort of statistics do you want to see? Give some examples.
Rather than create a new topic, hopefully someone will see this old one. I think it would be great for TB Races to have some stats display that are not on the trackable's page. Here are some examples.

# of Records   
# of US States Visited
# of US Counties Visited
# of Countries Visited   
# of Discoveries   
# of Unique Movers   
# of Gallery Images

Now some of that data is really easy to find on the trackable page, but some of it is rather tedious to scroll through and gather. If PGC could track some of this very easily, that would be awesome.

Also highly unlikely, but what about creating a list of trackables that would plot where they are currently located on a map? That would be so awesome!

I just ran this TB race and it would be cool to have a better way of tracking the racers.

1 Answer

–1 vote

Depends on what you want to see. A simple overview is available at in your profile.

Profile --> Ceocoins and Trackebles
by GoD_ArnDoran (650 points)