Yes - and this is what PGC have said on their FB page
After discussions with HQ we have now removed our Adventure Lab cache.
It was created a 100% in alignment with the rules set for ALC, but it was never HQs intent that Labcaches should be loggable from home. HQ will update their requirements to show this. We of course have a full understanding for the fact that their shouldn't be "armchair geocaching".
Therefore, after some productive discussions, we have disabled the Adventure, and it won't be coming back. At least not in this form.
We were extremely happy to read the logs. Sadly the web-interface for showing logs stopped working after 1000-2000 logs, but we read over a thousand of the earlier logs, and they were amazing. We did never expect that much appreciation shown.
Our primary goal was to make something unique, and something that definitely couldn't be a standard Geocache of any of the standard types. With that said, this log became our favorite one, because it really confirmed that we managed our goal.
"Now, THAT is really a lab cache and not some kind of multi in disguise! This the first time I give 5 stars to an Adventure lab cache and they are well deserved."
From the first 1000 logs, there wasn't even 10 logs that showed criticism, something that we really appreciated. Bottom line, we never expected the amount of positive feedback that we got.
After 3662 votes, we had an average of 4.5 (of 5) stars. We don't have the data to confirm it, but we are sure that this Adventure is the one with the best rating out there.