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+2 votes
in Support and help by The K-Team (140 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes

There ist a new GSAK macro with amazing features for Lab Caches:

You can download all LabCaches of an Adventure Lab (AL) for a "radius" and search or filter them in GSAK.


If you are familiar with XML-files, use this link and change the parameters to you choice for downloading ALs:

Enjoy it.

by micha_de (7.1k points)
edited by micha_de
Very helpful.  Thank you.
I am happy when i could give some inspiration.

+1 vote
I am not aware of this feature in the app.

I think we'll have to wait and see how the HQ handles the Adventure Labs in 2021. Since there are now thousands of them (that was not initially planned), they will (have to) come up with something. In a YouTube video a few weeks ago, the HQ announced that they perhaps would integrate Labs into the normal in 2021. Then there should also be more functions and the feature to search for lab caches by name.

As already described - in the meantime only GSAK as a workaround.
by supertwinfan (19.6k points)
0 votes
We have not found any way to do a search by name.  You can search using the map if you are in the Adventure Lab App, Basically you can see orange icons on the map anywhere in the world and find regional Adventure Labs that way.

Adventure Labs are still developing, and a search by name would certainly be a very useful feature in the future.
by GCZ Team (22.0k points)