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Hallo, ich brauche einen neuen Challenge Checker für eine neue Challengechecker für

Bei dieser Challenge muss man 7 der 10 Bedingungen erfüllt haben. Nun kommen die 10 Bedingungen aufgelistet.

1. mindestens 10 mal die 81 Matrix voll haben

2. mindestens 10 BageGen auf Diamant haben (keine Länder BagGens)

3. mindestens in 10 Ländern einen Cache gefunden haben

4. 10 Megas besucht haben

5. mindestens 10 Webcams besucht haben

6. mindestens 10 CITOs besucht haben

7. mindestens 10 Caches aus dem Versteckjahr 2001 gefunden haben

8. mindestens 10 Caches gefunden haben mit mindestens 3000 Favoriten Caches (jeder der 10 Caches muss mindestens 3000 Favoritenpunkte haben)

9. mindestens10 Souvenirs erlangt haben

10. mindestens 10 Caches der Größe Large gefunden haben

LG Andreas
in Miscellaneous by Bernd2010 (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
First of all, checker requests are to be made at rather than here (hence the OBSOLETE in the category name).

Secondly, your second condition would not be allowed as listed, since several of the badges are for things not allowed as challenge conditions (for example, The Author and The Diverse Cacher). You would have to specify the subset of badges which would be allowed for qualification.
by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)
Badges in themselves are not a valid challenge criteria so your point is moot.

Furthermore, I don't think it's valid even disregarding that. It's like saying that you need to have logged 10 different cache types and that none of them can be a lab cache since lab caches can't be used for challenge criteria. What the guidelines say is that you can't require lab cache finds. As far as I can tell, it's OK to include them if you do have them. I.e. a challenge for number of cache types logged can accept lab caches, the calendar checker can accept lab cache finds, etc - as long as it's not a requirement. In the same way, it's OK for the calendar checker to count leap day as one of 200 required dates even though it's not OK to require finds on leap day.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Badges have been allowed as challenge criteria previously, as long as they are restricted to the approximately 30 badges which would follow challenge guidelines. This is because the badges themselves are not "information broadly available on" (guideline 4), so are considered shorthand for criteria and are treated as such.

As for your lab cache example, lab caches are allowed as long as they are not required.