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+2 votes
It used to be possible it identify caches that had not been in over a year. However, I can no longer find it. Is it still there? If so, where?
in Support and help by BaSHful (390 points)

2 Answers

+4 votes

There ist also a statistic of "your Lonely Finds"
with caches you found a year or more after the previous find:

or half a year:

Enjoy geocaching

by micha_de (7.1k points)
thanks for these informations
Thanks a lot, indeed, for these checkers, I had been looking for something similar myself ...
Would you know by chance whether there is also a version taking into account archived caches? (I see that the checkers you linked leave them out, at least caches which had already been archived when I found them.)
I am happy that I was able to contribute.
+3 votes
You are looking for the top list "Days Since Last Found" I think? PGC has two types of "Lonely Caches" and Days since last found is the one that helps you identify caches that has not had a log in a long time. It can be found here:
by Pleu (50.8k points)
I already looked at that. It fails because there is no filter to specify number of days since last found log.
Do you mean that you want to see caches you have already logged that had not been find in over a year at the time when you logged them or find potential caches to log that have not been found in over a year?

If you are identifying potential caches I don't see why you can't use "days since last found", just use click on the pagenumbers to get further down the list to the number of days you want?

If you are talking about identifying caches you already logged that had at least a year since the last log you can use for that.
OK, apologies, I should have been properly specific in my original post.

I wish to identify caches, from a specific area, that I have not found, that I do not own, that have not been found in the last year.

Looking again at your link and comments I have come up with this procedure:-

Statistics => Days Since Last Found
Profile name: Select yourself.
Cache location: Select the area you are interested in.
Add filter "Hide Found / Owned / Not found".
Check 'Found' & 'Owned' (which is counter intuitive).
Click Filter.
Locate the page where 'days since last found' drops below 365.
Note the number of the line with the smallest 'days since last found' greater than 365.
(I.e. the # number to the left of the blue line) Call it 'X'.
Scroll up and click on "Create a map".
Set "Number of caches" to X.
Click "Create Map".

This seems to work, though it's a bit cumbersome.

I also tried "Add to Virtual GPS" and successfully created a new list and then exported it as a GPX file, not that I think I would actually use this.

It would be nice if there was a simpler tool but the above works well enough.

The challenge checker you mention I already link to (

Thanks for your help!