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0 votes
This may be a basic one, but I cannot find a way to search for caches by Size "Not Chosen" or "None".  When searching in the Geocaching website you have to search by All, or Micro, Small, Regular, Large, or Other.  I don't want any of those and want to search specifically for caches where the size was not chosen (which there does exist a difference).  I'm working on a Fizzy challenge for that specific designation (or lack thereof).  Thanks.
in Feature requests by GreenHell (450 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
On Project-GC, the cache size "Not Chosen" can be selected just like any other cache size. For a fizzy, you would would do something like this: (D/T combos I have not found with the size Not Chosen, all suggestions in Sweden - adjust filters as needed).
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (198k points)
selected by GreenHell