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+1 vote
On the challenge map, you can filter by different options, like not available, archived, premium, requirements met / not met. But it would be nice to have an extra filter, to exclude the challenges you already have found and/or the ones you have visited (by write note log). It will make the map more readable.
in Feature requests by GonzAlex (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This is already available in the map filters. Click the Geocaching-logo, it's towards the top left corner, then click the smiley-face to remove found caches and/or the star to remove owned caches from the caches showing on the map. This is available for most of the maps, including the map of challenge caches.
by Pleu (49.0k points)
Thanks for your answer :-)
Remains the question about caches with a "write note" log, but this filtering is a good option, which I didn't know.