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0 votes
I recently completed a challenge where I needed a mystery find on 275 of 366 calendar dates. The needed found dates tool was invaluable for this. I'm trying to continue this theme and pick up cache types on days that I haven't found them. Right now this means I have a folder of bookmarked needed found date pages, one for each of the non-event types, that I have to open separately to see if I need a certain type for today. It would be awesome if I could just click on a date and see all the cache types I do or don't have for that date in one place. I apologize if this already exists and I just missed it.
in Feature requests by GeoVern (220 points)
This isn't exactly what you're asking for, since it displays separate calendar grids - but it may be more ergonomic than your current system:
Thanks, Hügh, I've bookmarked this checker.

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
There are a bunch of different checkers as a workaround for this. The one Hügh posted is one, this is an other:
by Pleu (49.0k points)
selected by GeoVern
Thanks, Pleu, I really like that one. I just wish it showed the cache types I need rather than the ones I already have.
Actually, the more I think about it showing what I have found is better than a calendar that shows I need a Giga on almost every day. I still think it would be nice to have it be part of the Needed Found Dates tool so I could customize it to just focus on the 3 or so cache types that I might actually be able to reasonably find on each calendar date. I'm going to mark this as the best answer though. Thanks again, Pleu.
+1 vote
I've got a version of that as a checker, so you need to make a custom tag to get the exact parameters you want. Here's a sample that requires many cache types (trad, multi, myst, letterbox, wherigo, earthcache, virtual, event, lab and challenge (no, it's not really a type but I treat it as if it were)), all sizes (except Virtual) and 11 finds per date:

This will list the stuff that you don't have for the day. Cache types are shown as icons (a checkmark means challenge), sizes are listed as [O] for other, [R] for regular and so on, and if you don't have at least 11 finds on a date it will say [3] to tell you that you need another 3 finds to reach 11.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (197k points)