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+1 vote
Just like we can view country by region or county on the maps tap of our statistics, wouldn't it be pretty neat to be able to view the world and the continent maps by region?
in Feature requests by StadsAlv (10.1k points)
Do you want to have a map of the world on the screen showing each state/region? I have quite a large screen for my computer and even then most regions would be just a millimetre across.
Yup. Same as for country by county, and I still think that map gives an interesting overview of my travels.

2 Answers

0 votes

Although I like the idea, I don't think it would be very useful for 95%+ of the geocachers. As mentioned by the Seagnoid, the level of detail would also make it not very useful. If you like to have an interesting overview of your travels, you may want to use other websites than geocaching for that. I find NomadMania very useful for this, for example (not sponsored wink )

by Pihoqahiak (3.7k points)
0 votes
I like this idea as well and have been hoping for a feature like that to come up. I'm living in Europe and would love to see which regions I've visited on a European scale instead of just on a country by country scale. We do travel a lot abroad and within the EC most border crossings are total nonevents, which often feels more like traveling Europe instead of separate states in Europe. It would also be very useful to have this all-European view for planning trips here.
by NLBokkie (3.3k points)