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0 votes
…nevertheless I get this annoying (and misleading) message all the times since a week or so.

MacOS 12.7, Firefox 123 with Tampermonkey running the Project GC and GClh scripts. No esoteric things on the firewall side either. Paid membership (which I do enjoy).

What to do?
related to an answer for: "Please allow ads" problem
in Bug reports by Ayntraxt (120 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Have a look at and work through that list. You have started at #8, and we are not aware of any problem on the server side. So far, the problems have always turned out to be on the client side.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (197k points)
–1 vote
The secret is to be a paying member of project-gc, which suppresses the ads. But the ad blocker is still detected, causing the message you see. So in your ad blocker allow Project-GC to show ads for (it won't, as you have payed the PGC subscription) and you will not see that annoying message again.
by the Seagnoid (Expert) (46.3k points)
Did you read the headline? I’ll repeat it: I do not have any adblocker or such software installed and/or activated at all. Why does this message appear?