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0 votes
in Bug reports by steben6 (160 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Can you please stop making new threads and keep to the original thread?

The streak is light green because you haven't had an FTF for April yet. If you compare to others you'll see that people that started in June '08 are full green at 191 months and people that started in May '08 are full green at 192 months. You're at 191 months and lack the current month, therefor you're light green.
by Pleu (50.0k points)
0 votes
You were doing your streak with lab caches. Did you by chance log a lab cache from another timezone? Lab caches are logged for their local timezone, which means the time you actually logged it may not be the time it is logged - if you logged it close to midnight for example it may show as the next/previous day.
by the Seagnoid (Expert) (46.3k points)
@the Seagnoid I think you're misreading the question, and FTF-streak wouldn't include any lab caches.