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I followed these instructions (very helpful !) to create a list of all my finds. Then I used the export option to create a csv file , but it is missing my found date. Any idea how I can include the found date?

(don't want to use gsak, just want all my finds in a simple sortable table structure with key data such as code, name, type, size, country, D/T, fav points, publish date, my found date,...)

in Support and help by p-boro (120 points)
edited by p-boro

1 Answer

0 votes
I don't think it's possible to include that data in the vGPS, but if you make a "MyFinds" gpx-file and download that it should be included there. I don't know the details but I know some people convert their MyFinds to a csv, so if this is done I think that file will have all the data you want in one place. Or you could probably combine the two files with some excel-magic I guess?
by Pleu (49.0k points)
Thanks Pleu for confirming that it's not possible in the vGPS. I have no clue how to convert MyFinds into csv, I was hoping project-gc could provide the solution.  Too bad....  :-(
There are multiple ways to do it but here's a guide that looked pretty easy to follow: