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+3 votes

if I've seen it right, the Mega I just took part in, in Hannover, that is named "Blockparty" this year, has not elevated my Mega-count yet. Is this a bug or a feature?
in Miscellaneous by Saenger (210 points)
Same question here. We're expecting to visit a lot of Block Parties this year. Are they (to be) counted for as megas, or can we expect a badge and/or belt points to be added?
As there are as well no 2025 souvenirs correctly put into their categories, I think, the devs of this page are currently still in their winter holidays, which I completely understand and don't complain, just as a possible explanation.
I just saw, that the host of the first German Blockparty, lavette96, doesn't even have the add-on Blockparty at his Event-Host-Badge. Not that I would have any opportunity to get this, but I think he deserves it. He only has it yet as an add-on with his found caches, 'though it should better be an add-on for the Mega-badge.
Block Parties and Mega’s are not the same thing.

Yes, in 2025 hosts of mega events get the *choice* of hosting a block party instead as part of the 25 gear celebrations. But it is not an automatic host a mega and get a block party icon.

This year’s events are the exception, not the rule,  when it comes to the Block Party cache type. So I dont see why they would be included in the mega badg based on the exception. Maybe add one as its own badge, but it would have to be a really low progression (like GPS maze) and over time would become somewhat redundant and virtually unable to be advanced (and therefre in my opinion, not worth it).

Kf you want to advance your mega badge, attend a mega.
"If you want to advance your mega badge, attend a mega."
I already did this year, twice, only they were called Blockparty.
I will be taking part in one, that chose for some unbeknownst reason not to use this name this year, the Koningsdag-Mega in Assen, so the counter will rise anyways.

Blockparties are events, and like CCE-events they are some strange stuff that happen only once every 5 years, probably. They should be treated accordingly, and as CCE are treated as "L&F" for the event folder, and ordinary events for the badges, blockparties should be treated as blockparties in the event folder (and are treated thuis way), but they somehow have to show up in the badges as well which they don't anywhere. The least is as ordinary events.

If I add up my events in the event folder, I get this:
Event    197
L&F    10
CITO    10
Mega-Event    5
Groundspeak Block Party    2
Giga-Event    1
Sum: 225 events.

If I add up my events in the badges I get this:
Events: 207
Mega 5
Giga 1
Sum 223

Thus 2 events are missing in the badge counters, the Blockparties, why?

For the add-ons:
I got the add-on CCE for my event-host badge. And I got the add-ons CCE and BP for the geocaches-badge.
lavette96, the host for the first BP in Germany this year (and 97 other events) got add-ons CCE, Mega and CITO for his event-host badge, but no BP add-on (but at least it's not omitted from the count here).
Why is it just an add-on at the general caches badge? It's clearly event-related, and thus should be there as an add-on as well.

1 Answer

0 votes
Block parties aren't Megas and shouldn't count as megas in badges. Blockparties earn you the addon on the badge "The Geocacher" and that's about it I think.
by Pleu (51.0k points)
Currently those events are not counted as events at all, and that is definitely wrong. They are at least ordinary events.
But as they are that type of event that would last year have been called "Mega" they should be counted as that imho.
No, they are not "ordinary events" as that's only for the type "Event cache" and they are not Megas either. They are blockparties. These are three different cache types, they are not interchangeable.
They are events.
Events have to be counted somehow as events in the stats, as well for badges as for the belt.
I don't know how and where they are counted now, not as any kind of event. And that is definitely wrong.

CCE are counted as ordinary events as well, and according to your definition they shouldn't either.
I agree with Saenger - a Block Party is an event which has to reach the same criteria as a Mega, and should be treated the same way. Take London Calling for example (GCAK7KC). This is a bi-annual Mega, and would have been a Mega again this year if the opportunity to become a BP hadn't arisen. People attending London Calling would consider this a Mega, and expect their stats to be increased accordingly.

IMO BPs should be treated the same way as CCEs, i.e. counting toward statistics as well as providing the extra add-on.
Yes - I plan to attend the London BP and had thought it would count as a mega for challenges - attending it should get me to a certain level of megas but if doesn't even count for anything then that is very frustrating
BP and CCE are essentially the same stuff: Some special name for an ordinary event for marketing purposes.
* CCE it's dealt with as the ordinary events that they are, and get e special add-on.
* BP is not treated as an event at all in the badges and stats on the folder

It should be dealt with both in the same manner, of course as events, as they are events, and CCE along ordinary events, while BP along Mega, as they are just a special name for Megas.