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+1 vote
On the BadgeGen page in my stats it says I have achieved 95 country badges, but I have cached in 96 countries. For some reason, Samoa is not included and still has a 'wooden' country badge, rather than a normal one. This is the case for many years already. Is there any particular reason for this?
in Feature requests by Pihoqahiak (3.7k points)
It is wooden only because PGC does not have sufficient map information to award it anything higher.
Interesting that it is recognised as a country enough to be given a badge - albeit the wooden one and yet not included in the overall country count

1 Answer

+1 vote

I think this can be considered a bug. The Wooden badges are "new" (new as in several years old now). Seems that we missed taking them into account in the summary below.

I have an almost 100% fix in the development environment now. I just need some minor tweaks. It won't be released straight away, but expect it in a week or two, or at least this month.

ago by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)