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+1 vote
Before the recent changes by Project-GC to its 'Discover Trackables' tool, it was possible to identify the tracking number(s) on any item(s) that failed to go through due to an incorrect tracking number being used - in other words all ERROR items could be individually identified.

With the letter 'I' often being confused with the number '1', 'O' being confused with '0',  'S' being confused with '5', 'B' being confused for '8', etc... incorrect tracking numbers can easily be included in a 'Discover Trackables' batch run.

Previously, when it was possible to identify the ERROR items, a second or third attempt could be made by trying 'alternative combinations' of suspect characters, which often corrected the problem and enabled the trackable to be successfully logged as 'Discovered'.

Now, all that you know is the number of ERRORs in a batch but NOT which ones in the batch actually failed to go through.

Can this feature please be re-introduced? It was very helpful in the past! Thanks.
in Feature requests by Halywid Hunters (210 points)
edited by Halywid Hunters
Is it actually possible for tracking numbers to have those letters in (gccodes can't)? If not perhaps project-gc should autoconvert them ie I is automatically converted to 1.
Yes it is!

Even worse, I have at least two tracking numbers with 'mixed' characters. One contains both the letter 'O' and the number '0', the other contains both the letter 'I' and the number '1' !
Oh well, guess that won't be possible then :-(
And I have never understand why this is the case. TB codes must be more recent then GC codes and they don't use 1 and l etc

1 Answer

0 votes

Expand the relevant row in the grid using the plus sign on the left side and you will get a full history, including the trackingnumbers for the rows with issues.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)

Thank you! Sorry for missing this. Your help is much appreciated. HH