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0 votes

Hello Community,

I'm in hope of your help.

My Challenge says, that you must have found 90% of the TOP 50 of this filter:

My idea would be a checker, that tells the user how many caches of this Top 50 were found by him/her.
This is probably necessary because there are some little specials:

  • You need to find 90% of the Top50 from the caches you don't own. For example if you are the owner of 2 caches in the Top50, it says: 50-2=48*0,9=43,2 -> You need to find 44 Caches of the list
  • If the challenge itself is in the Top 50, number 51 of the list should be counted instead

If the checker can't use the filter, there is a bookmark list on that could be used:

So, is anyone of you able to write a checker for the challenge? Would be great and probably could be used by other challenge owners who want a checker of the number of found caches in a filter too.


in Miscellaneous by SiFi2010 (140 points)
edited by SiFi2010

4 Answers

+1 vote
Now when the favourite API id available i could finish my favorite checker.

With som modifiacions and the chehecker can be used with your challenge

I hope the code is correct
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
looks great! Thanks a lot
"Archived, disabled and caches you own are removed from the list."
-> would it be possible to include the disabled caches?
oh and one other additional wish:
In the Script output. Would it possible to exchange the "Wilson Factor" with the Log-Date you found the caches?
disabled and own are included. that line has been removed and will be included later with apropriate text
Visitdate in now included in the output
Thanks for the changes

The checker is actually disabled. Did you uploaded it with a new number?
No a forgot to enable the script after I change it
It works now
0 votes
At the moment it is not possible to write a checker for this cache. With the methods currently available to checkers, it is only possible to look at the finds of the current user, not other caches. That means that it is not possible to find out which are the top 50 (or whatever number) caches with the best Wilson scores. It could be possible that methods to do that are added at a later stage, but right now a checker for this challenge is not possible.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (196k points)
0 votes

As pinkunicorn mentions, there is today no possibility to do what you ask with the favorite list. But it is something that we will implement when someone needs it. For example when someone wants to write a checker for this one.

I actually own a challenge myself that could need a checker, and that is built upon the favorite scores as well. But I never took the time to write a checker.

This is the cache GC4ZDCD - Challenge - 10x5 Skånska favoriter, though it's in Swedish only.

by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
0 votes
I had forgotten about this one. But an API method that makes this possible has been added a few weeks ago. So anyone who can create checkers can now solve this one as well.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)