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The last custom filter on the Top least unfound  does not seem to work as it should:

- Profile name

- Cache Location

- Only people from

It seems it is not possible to select one the 3 options listed above.

Has it been tested / should it be operationnal?

in Bug reports by Carangue (1.0k points)
edited by Carangue

1 Answer

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I can't see any issues, but I am not sure I understand the question either.

You always have to provide a country for cache location. You can not ask the site who has the least unfound world wide.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by Carangue
Thanks for the answer.

Ok let's try to rephrase this:

What is the purpose of the bottom right field "add filter" with 'profile name', 'cache location' and 'only people from' then?
In a page that already shows all filters it has no purpose. But in most pages there are additional filters that aren't shown by default.

In a perfect world, maybe the select box should be removed. There are probably a million cosmetic changes that we should make that we haven't done because we choose to do what we think is more important.
Sure I understand. Thanks for the answer on that topic and I agree with you there are certainly more pressing things to tackle.
Once again thank you for all the various resources you are offering on the site -you are doing an amazing job!
Thank you. And I am sorry if it sounded harsh, it wasn't meant that way.
Not at all. This was a very valid point you gave. Keep up the good work.