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I am not sure if this is a bug or not. I just checked my geocache and I tried to load the profile stats of the person who FTFed this cache one week ago, as I wanted to see in his statistics at which elevation my cache is listed. in Well, even though this is a frequent cacher who logged the FTF one week ago (online), his statistics is from 2015-02-23. I checked the 2nd find, logged at March 5th, and her statistics are from 2015-02-17. Both quite old, even for a non-premium member. Strange...

For me it seems like something is broken that updates statistics regularly. My own statistics are up-to-date, though...

in Bug reports by Spatzenfamilie (320 points)

1 Answer

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We are aware of these issues. Geocachers that do not use Project-GC at all are not always updated as they should. We are working on rewriting the whole background processing behind the Profile stats. Last time I was working with it was two days ago, but it most often gets postponed due to other tasks.

However, if I am not wrong, he might be updated 1-2 days after that you have viewed his statistics actually.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)