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The checker for GC4F49Q reports I fulfil it, even if I do not even have all 81 D/T combinations in the first place (and probably never will, in this livetime ☹).

In lieu of a better place to report it, I’m reporting it here – I found this on the “Map hidden dates” map, and the popup does not even show which checker number is used for the auto-checker on this cache.

in Bug reports by mirabilos (2.7k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I forgot to remove the the bug code that that was user to always make it ok an to easier be able to check the ok result.

It had happen on more then one script.  The problem on the DT checker has been live for a couple of days and the other was three new scripts with few tags

It is probibly better to report this kind of problm to the scrpit writer ot tager. Ther are envelop icons that display the contact form for that nic
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
selected by mirabilos
I would have contacted the script writer, but from it cannot be seen which script is used – sometimes, there’s more than one script is tagged for a cache. Maybe show “Checker used: (link)12345” there?
If you search for the checker in the challengtool you will find the answer. I was not aware there was no link on the standard map